Age Concern Jersey
Windsor House, Val Plaisant, St Helier, JE2 4TA
Age Concern Jersey is a Jersey based charity that both supports the elderly in the community and also campaigns on their behalf.
Please use this site if you are interested in the services we can provide or if you wish to donate, help with fundraising, or are interested in volunteering.
Age Concern Jersey receives no financial support from the States of Jersey for the administrative operation of the charity and relies totally on the generosity of the local community to support our work. Age Concern Jersey is also not affiliated to any other charity.
Age Concern Jersey believes in the following vision:
That there should be no ageism. Age should be recognised as a gift not a burden.
That older people should be given respect and courtesy.
That older people should have enough money to live on and not rely on hand-outs.
That older people should be able to enjoy a sense of well-being in a safe and secure envionment.
That older people should have access to full health care.
That older people should be valued and not treated as second class citizens.
That older people should have a voice in the community.
Our Services
Age Concern Jersey provides a number of services for older people from Windsor House in St Helier. These include:
Chef cooked daily lunch at 12 noon Monday to Friday. To reserve a place tel. 0800 735 0345 before 9.30am
Computer Classes (beginners, more advanced and Internet) run during term times. To register for a course tel 0800 735 0345
Hairdressing all day Thursday and Friday. To make an appointment tel. 0800 735 0345
Chiropody every other month. To make an appointment tel. 0800 735 0345
A weekly social is held in St Thomas' Church Hall at 2.30pm. Senior citizens, locals and visitors to the island are warmly welcome
Free transport to and from Windsor House is provided Monday, Thursday and Friday. For further information tel 0800 735 0345
A French Group meets in Windsor House every Monday between 11am and 4pm. Anyone can join this group
Hospital and home visits are carried out on request
A discount scheme for people of pensionable age ONLY is available. Tel 0800 735 0345 for further information
An island-wide delivery of frozen meals is made weekly. Tel 0800 735 0345 for more information
A Scrabble Club is held at Windsor House every Tuesday evening at 7pm. New members are always welcomeCategories: Charities, Community Care, Home & House Care Services.