Amnesty International Jersey Group
Contact:, Peter Colback, North Cove, Bouley Bay, Trinity, JERSEY JE3 5AS
The Jersey branch of Amnesty International is very active, and is usually one of the highest contributors of the local UK groups. The Jersey Group raises awareness locally, as well as funds to assist the British Section.
We are dedicated to uphold the Charter of Human Rights, to campaign for the release of prisoners of conscience, and to oppose torture and the death penalty.
The Jersey Group has been active since 1977, when it was founded by Jack Le Quesne and Ann Frost, with meetings held for many years at the Friends’ Meeting House (Quakers) in Colomberie.
Jersey Group is a very highly regarded group nationally, having won awards at the national AIUK AGM several years running, in recognition of our outstanding fundraising and campaigning.
Our week long high profile Human Rights Festival is an established part of the local cultural calendar, much admired and respected by UK local groups; and each year we hold a Freedom Cycle Ride in May, as well as a large variety of other events throughout the year, all featured here on our website.
We have established eight thriving Youth and Student Groups at local schools, and we have a trained Official Speaker who is always available to give presentations about Amnesty’s work nationally and locally, to local schools and organisations.
Keen to encourage local members to take part in national events, we therefore offer a subsidised place at the national Amnesty International UK Annual General Meeting & Conference every year.
Honorary Life President Margaret Barnes
Margaret Barnes was one of our original Jersey Group members, and she has worked extraordinarily hard for the Group over many years, as member, Secretary and Chair, and continues to offer her strong support today, whenever she can.Categories: Charities, Human Rights.