British Red Cross Society Committee in Jersey
Senior Fundraiser, Beverley Dallas-Chapman, 1st Floor, 32 Queen Street, St Helier, JE2 4WD
'Caring for people in crisis'. Local activities include: (1) Fundraising for the international work of the Red Cross for specific projects appearing on the Top 15 Red Cross International Priority List; (2) Collections for Emergency Appeals as and when they are launched; (3) Fundraising and collections for the global Disaster Fund during Red Cross Appeal Week in May.
Cheques can be made out to the British Red Cross.
If your donation is £100 or over then a completed Lump Sum Donation form will allow us to claim back £25 on each £100 from income tax. To download a form or for further details on the scheme please access
Volunteer role
(1) Fundraising: either organising events or assisting with main British Red Cross activities (2) Help with on street/in-store collections for Emergency Appeals when they are launched (3) Assist with collections on Liberation Day, and other activities during Red Cross Appeal Week (May) (4) Help distribute publicity and collecting boxes.
Volunteers commitment:
This can be on a regular or occasional basis depending on the nature of involvement. Vacancies also exist for new committee members.Categories: Charities, Overseas Aid.