Cervicogenic Headache Treatment in NYC
41 5th Avenue,, New York, NY 10003
As the name implies, a cervicogenic headache is caused by an injury or illness in your cervical spine, which is the top of the spine in your neck. While they can be very painful, affecting one side of your head, the good news is that they’re usually easy to treat once the cause of the pain is determined. Cervicogenic headache treatment involves addressing the problem in your spine, whether through physical therapy, nerve block injections, or more direct treatment to heal or fix the issue. Dr. Amr Hosny of the Advanced Headache Center in Midtown Manhattan and northern New Jersey is the expert headache specialist to resolve your cervicogenic headache. Call today for an appointment.
Also, read our guide on how to find headache doctor near me.
What Is a Cervicogenic Headache?
A cervicogenic headache stems from the pain that originates in your neck. From there, it radiates towards the front of your head. A cervicogenic headache falls in the category of secondary headaches, which means it’s caused by another illness or physical issue, unlike primary headaches such as migraines.
Other headaches can cause neck pain or tension headaches, but a pain management specialist understands the different types of headaches and the need to correct your diagnosis. Cervicogenic headaches affect the quality of your life due to the debilitating pain and other symptoms. For this reason, you require a careful diagnosis before starting early and appropriate treatment.
At the Advanced Headache Center, with offices in Manhattan and Bergen County, New Jersey, Dr. Amr Hosny uses advanced diagnostics and migraine treatment techniques. A Harvard-trained headache specialist treats headaches and migraines with such modalities as occipital nerve blocks injection.
How Can I Tell if I Have a Cervicogenic Headache?
The pain and symptoms related to cervicogenic headaches, which are similar to other headaches, sometimes lead to misdiagnosis. To determine if you have this type of headache, you must go to a specialist like Dr. Hosny. Commonly, your symptoms include:
- Pain on only one side of your head
- Reduced range of motion in your neck
- Limited ability to move your neck or head
- Pain in your neck or shoulder
- A headache that gets worse with any neck movement
- Head pain when you cough, sneeze or take a deep breath
- Pain that lasts for hours or days
- Steady pain with no throbbing, unlike migraine pain
- Some symptoms it shares with migraines such as vomiting, nausea, blurry vision, sensitivity to bright light, or loud noises
Your treatment starts with the correct diagnosis. To avoid a misdiagnosis and guarantee effective cervicogenic headache treatment, consult Dr. Hosny. He’s a board-certified headache specialist who relies on an integrative, multidisciplinary approach to headache treatment.
Read more: https://www.advancedheadachecenter.com/headaches/cervicogenic-headache
Working Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8am–7pm
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
Advanced Headache Center
41 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/qjau25APCCFC7rpb9
https://plus.codes/87G8P2M4+G3 New York
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