is an independent political project created to encourage voter engagement in the Jersey 2014 general election.
Our relationship with politics in Jersey needs to change. Why?
- We do not exercise our right to vote.
- We do not have faith in our elected representatives.
- We do not expect our views to count. is an independent project, not created or operated by the States of Jersey or any government organisation.
Our aims are simple:
- To encourage voter registration, political education and voting amongst Islanders (especially those within the 16â€35 year old demographic);
- To provide a forum for popular discussion of issues that matter to Islanders, based not on political affiliation and personalities, but on informed, reasoned and measured debate;
- To publish opinion pieces from students, graduates, young professionals and other Islanders which will open up the debate of critical issues including taxation, healthcare, education, tourism and government reform;
- To author, publish and analyse regular polls on States services, public attitudes and potential solutions, and to publish our findings in report form available to the public, the media and States members;
- To challenge candidates and potential candidates in the 2014 general election to provide their answers to the issues raised in the polls and discussions on this site, to ensure as many of the voting age population as possible are aware of the importance of the 2014 elections, and to provide clear and accurate information about the issues, the candidates and how to vote in October 2014.Categories: Politics.