Mobile Library Service
Jersey Library, Halkett Place, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4WH
The mobile library stops at over 30 places around the Island each week, so that you can borrow books from us even if you can't visit the town or Les Quennevais branch libraries. Anyone can use the mobile library if they have a library card. Your library card can be used for borrowing items from the the mobile library, the town library and Les Quennevais branch library.
Where and when does the mobile library stop?
Use the timetables below to find out where the mobile library service stops.
Monday ​ ​
Place ​ Time ​
George V Homes​ 9.20am - 9.45am​
Millbrook Park​ 9.55am - 10.15am​
St Brelade Parish Hall ​ 10.25am - 10.45am​
St Ouen Parish Hall ​ 11.15am - 11.50am​
St Mary Parish Hall​ 12.00pm - 12.20pm​
St John Parish Hall​ 1.00pm - 2.00pm​
St Lawrence Rifle Range​ 2.15pm - 3.00pm​
Trinity Parish Hall​ 3.15pm - 4.15pm​
​Tuesday ​
​Place ​Time
​Clos du Paradis ​9.15am - 9.45am
B&Q Queen's Road​ 9.50am - 10.30am​
Checkers, Grand Vaux​ 10.45am - 11.15am​
Waitrose, Rue des Pres ​ 11.35am - 12.35pm​
Les Cinq Chenes​ 5.00pm - 5.30pm​
Grasset Park​ 5.50pm - 6.15pm​
Clos Gosset​ 6.20pm - 6.40pm​
Clos De Roncier​ 6.45pm - 7.15pm​
​Wednesday ​
Place​ Time​
Victoria Cottage Homes​ 9.00am - 9.25am​
Maufant Youth Centre ​ 9.35am - 10.10am​
St Martin Public Hall​ 10.20am - 11.00am​
Gorey Common car park ​ 11.15am - 12.00pm​
Grouville Parish Hall​* 12.05pm - 12.45pm​
Holme-Grown car park​ 1.30pm - 2.30pm​
St Clement Parish Hall​ 2.45pm - 3.30pm​
Le Benefice (road side)​ 3.45pm - 4.15pm​
Thursday ​ ​
Place ​ Time​
St Peter car park ​ 9.30am - 10.30am​
St George's Estate​ 10.45am - 11.15am​
L'Etacq car park​ 11.30am - 12.00pm​
Les Creux Country Park​ 12.15pm - 1.00pm​
Quennevais Sports Centre​ 2.15pm - 3.00pm​
Goose Green car park​ 3.15pm - 3.45pm​
La Providence​ 3.55pm - 4.15pm​
Categories: Library Service.