Parabox, is dedicated to a collaboration of multiple genres, working with a number of different technologies in aid of creating something marginally listenable.
Born in Herts, UK, I've moved to Jersey (channel islands) and am trying to get myself more involved with the music scene over here, from the open mic to live shows, to folk to djing, and for a small island (only 9x5 miles) there's a hell of a lot of talent here.
My plan for this is for experimentation and promotion, by throwing demos up left right and centre and seeing how they progress in the future, and once i have hit 1000 followers a pro account will be activated.
I am also in the process of writing and producing a second album with a friend of mine in the UK, this is a planned 2 year project that will be more than hopefully released onto iTunes and in stores by 2016 latest 2017.
I will stress that i'm doing all of this for my followers and as the community grows hopefully we can all collaborate together and become to share our knowledge and musical tastes with one another without being judged or slung to one side.
So, if you like what you hear, leave a comment, click the like button and share with your friends and let us build a unique musical community together.Categories: Musicians.