Ransoms Garden Centre
01534 853779
La Grande Route De Faldouet, St Martin, Jersey, JE3 6UD
Ransoms Garden Centre opened its doors in 1965 and has never looked back. David Ransom, a Jerseyman, trained at Kew Gardens, as had his father before him. Whilst studying as a student there, he met Janet Sales (a Nutritionist) and the sister of one of his classmates, John Sales.
They later travelled to New York, where they got married one Christmas Day. It was during this time in America that David found himself working in a nursery that sold plants all the year round, rather than during the autumn to spring period. The plants had been planted into metal containers, and plastic bins. It did not take long for David and Janet to realise this was a definite possibility for garden retail in the UK.
Shrub SectionThey returned to England, and then to Jersey, where David became a landscape gardener with his father, Donald Ransom. Janet’s parents Fred and Alice Sales decided to move to Jersey in the early 1960’s from their Kensington home, (a pet shop still located in Abingdon Road). David and Janet helped Fred and Alice to buy an old farm in St Martin and it was here that the Garden Centre began all those years ago.
It is now managed by daughters Katherine Ransom, Rebecca Ransom (another graduate of Kew Gardens) and Sarah Ransom, a patisserie chef who runs and owns the restaurant. Brother James Ransom runs his own independent horticultural businesses.
Running a business such as this is just like creating a garden. A garden is easily designed and built, but after three years it needs tending, maintenance, care and the occasional re-invention.Categories: Fencing Suppliers & Contractors, Garden Centres, Garden Equipment & Supplies, Pet Shops.