The Smooth Hounds
Three fishermen set out on an adventure of a lifetime, to find the beast that is, according to folklore legends, the one and only true predator of the seven seas - The Smooth Hound.
After many a years searching, and on the verge of giving up all hope, the three intrepid wanderers found a long lost cave on the east of an enchantend island, and inside this cave was a lagoon, so dark, the night would shy away from it, and from within its belly emerged not one, not two, but three Smooth Hounds.
Upon their find, their souls were taken by these beasts and turned these adventurers into the funkiest, punk/ska rock band south of hell.
Hear the sound of the Smooth Hounds and you will loose all inhibitions going forward!
Chutney: Guitar/Vocals
JP Bouic: Bass/Backup Vocals
Dave Miles: DrumsCategories: Musicians.